Gifts for Military

Having a husband, wife, son or daughter in the military is a source of pride and of sacrifice.

Though you long to be together especially during the holidays and special occasions, duty calls. As civilians are gathering for holidays and special occasions, military couples and families will quite likely be separated by many miles and oceans. You've conditioned yourself to make the best of times together and times apart.  It's the military way.

Knowing the importance of acknowledging that all that is certain is your love,  finding ways to keep that love nurtured takes priority. Care packages lend themselves to personalization and the opportunity to sent items of convenience, favorite treats and sources of entertainment.  Sometimes however you want and need to emphasize how much you love one another each day.  Since sending your military service man or woman off to work with a kiss and a hug isn't always an option  I say find a way to whisper "I Love You" with your heart everyday. 

Heart gifts of fine jewelry from my Loving Heart Collection have become increasingly popular gifts for military service men and women. 

The most popular gifts for military men are the Pocket Heart and the Loving Heart Pin.

I designed the Pocket Heart so that men could carry with this symbol of love with them everywhere. Give your guy a Pocket Heart and every time he puts his hand in his pocket he'll think of you. It's private, its fun and it will remind him of the one whose heart he shares.   Whether your military man or woman is out on patrol, at a desk or settling into quarters for the evening, each time he or she reaches into their pocket they will be reminded of you and the love you share.

It is rewarding to know that something I created back in 1994 out of the love I have for my husband is being carried inside the pockets of many U.S. Military men and women today.

Verses cards accompany each Loving Heart gift of fine jewelry. I like to help people put into words that which is in their heart.  If my verses aren't just right then I encourage people to create their own. 

When all that is certain is their love, Loving Heart's military customers are most often choosing to express their love with the verse, 'Two Hearts, One Love, Forever.' This verse was inspired by the farewell conversation between my then, newlywed parents in 1942. Melvin and Josephine declared at the time of their parting that even death could not diminish the love they shared. My father, a soldier in the U.S. Army, was departing for the Pacific Theater during WWII for what became a three year deployment. My parents knew the loneliness and uncertainty brought about by war. It gives me great pleasure to be able to offer a unique and sentimental gift that hopefully will go a long way in helping our soldiers and their sweetheart back home through their tough times apart.

Verse cards are available in English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese and Chinese. The jewelry designs are simple, elegant expressions of love and symbolic of the special bond shared by two people. Loving Heart fill a unique niche -- they help customers express with verses what they feel in their hearts -- "I love you" -- in a simple, sentimental way.

Let me know if I can help you express your love to a soldier today!

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